Introducing the “Patents” profile feature

New Features

As thinkers, creators, and innovators in the academic world, every new idea you bring to life not only pushes the boundaries of knowledge but also paves the way for technological progress. Today, we're excited to roll out a new feature that lets you showcase your inventive accomplishments directly on your profile: the "Patents" section.

Real-World Benefits of Displaying Your Patents

The addition of the "Patents" feature provides a plethora of real-world benefits, crucial for enhancing your academic and professional brand:

  1. Enhanced Visibility: Your patents represent significant milestones in your research and development endeavors. By listing them, you make it easier for collaborators, funding bodies, and institutions to find and appreciate your work.
  2. Increased Credibility: A patent is a testament to the novelty and utility of your ideas. Highlighting your patented innovations positions you as a thought leader in your field.
  3. Networking Opportunities: Detailing your patents may lead to connections with other researchers, entrepreneurs, or investors interested in your areas of expertise.
  4. Career Advancement: For many in academia and research, patents can be influential in hiring decisions, promotions, and tenure evaluations by demonstrating the practical impact of your work.

How to Add One

To add a patent to your profile, you'll find the following fields available:

  • Title: Enter the official title of your patent as it appears on the patent document or application.
  • Date: Specify the filing date or the issue date of the patent.
  • Patent Number: Include the unique identifier assigned to your patent.
  • Patent Status: Indicate whether your patent is pending or has been issued.
  • Inventors: List all the individuals who contributed to the invention.
  • Description: Use this area to provide an overview of your patent, its implications, and your role in its development.
  • URL: If your patent is accessible online, such as on a patent database, provide a direct link for easy verification and further reading.

Simply navigate to your profile, look for the new "Patents" section, and add one.

What should I include in description field?

To maximize the impact of your patent description, consider the following tips:

  • Simplify the Complex: Not all viewers will have a technical background. Aim to explain the essence of your patent in layman's terms while still communicating its significance.
  • Focus on Impact: Discuss how your patent addresses a particular problem or improves upon existing solutions. Highlight the potential or actual real-world applications of your invention.
  • Reflect on the Process: Share insights you gained throughout the patenting journey. Discuss challenges you overcame, the collaborative experience, and how the process stimulated further innovation or growth in your field.
  • Quantify when Possible: If applicable, include metrics or data that convey the scale of the problem your patent tackles or the benefits it offers.
  • Personal Experience: Share what earning the patent meant to you personally. It could be the culmination of years of research, a breakthrough moment, or the beginning of a new line of inquiry.

Remember, your patent could be the hook that catches the interest of your next big collaborator or backer. With the new "Patents" feature, you're equipped to put your innovative achievements at the forefront of your personal brand in academia.

Use this tool to not just list your patents, but to tell a story!